Feministisk festival: EXPOSED + TALK

Feministisk festival: EXPOSED TALK

In connection with Feministisk festival (11-13 November), we screen a British documentary about the racism within the health care system against Black and POC health care workers, with a following talk including the director and some of the health care workers portrayed in the film.

November 13th

Exposed | Director: Ken Fero |Documentary | UK 2022 | 58 min | English

‘Exposed’ is a groundbreaking documentary that combines the stories of 19 Black, brown and migrant nurses and midwives to speak about their powerful experiences of racism before and during the pandemic. The film was made as part of Nursing Narratives – Racism and the Pandemic, a research project that aims to shed light on experiences of Black, Asian and minority ethnic health care workers in the pandemic.

Participating (online) in the talk will be:

She is the main Investigator of “Nursing Narratives”. She is Professor of Media and Culture, Sheffield Halam University, UK, whose research has focused on critically analyzing ‘race’ and racism in media and culture to challenge hegemonies and amplify the voice of communities whose stories are often not heard. Currently working on a project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, which aims to shed light on experiences of Black, Asian and minority ethnic health care workers in the Pandemic.

Film maker and founding member at Migrant Media, activist and educator. He has campaigned on issues of policing and human rights abuses in Europe and the resistance to them. He is the director of Exposed, as well of the radical and controversial cinema documentary Injustice (2001), and Ultraviolence (2021), about the families of the victims of police violence in the UK and their demand for justice.

Also participating in the talk will be some of the nurses and midwives portrayed in the film.

The talk will be held in English.


The event is a part of Feministisk festival: https://feministiskfestival.se/


På svenska:
«Exposed» är en banbrytande dokumentär med berättelser från 19 svarta och icke-vita sjuksköterskor och barnmorskor om deras starka upplevelser av rasism före och under covid-19 pandemin. Dokumentären gjordes inom ramen för ett forskningsprojekt – Nursing Narratives – Rasism och det pandemiska. Forskningsprojekt finansierades av AHCR, som syftar till att belysa den icke-vita vårdpersonalens erfarenheter under covid-19 pandemin.

Efter filmvisning följer en Q&A med filmens regissörer.
När: 13 november
Tid: 14:00-15:45
Plats: Biograf Panora

Evenemanget är avslutat.


nov 13 2022


2:00 pm - 3:45 pm


Biograf Panora

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